I am watching and waiting, listening and learning... I want to be ready when I hear Him whisper to me in a still small voice and I want to reply "here I am Lord"!
1Kings 19:11-13 Then He said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before the LORD.” And behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake; 12 and after the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.
13 So it was, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave.
So, here is the "complete documentation" of the Jerusalem Day storm and flash flood. Including the radar sequence, news articles, blog links and pictures! I do not know if this was a warning of coming judgment or not. I will leave that for the Lord to make plain in His time. I will only report.. and let you decide.
Here is only one of many pictures of the flood:

There are many other amazing pictures at this site!!
Slide Show of the Storm
Quotes from News Articles:
Rain on Jerusalem's parade
Unexpected storm disrupts celebrations for Jerusalem Day, causes massive flooding
(05.16.07, 17:33 / Israel News)
"The official ceremony to mark the 40 year anniversary of the unification of Jerusalem was canceled, Wednesday afternoon, due to an unexpected storm. City residents told Ynet of torrential downpours and heavy hail – definitely not summer weather in Israel."
"Natanel Feldman, who was in the Old City when the storm broke said, "the central street is totally flooded. Someone here told me that, even in the winter, he can't recall having seen a storm like this."
"It's hard to imagine that, only a few hours ago, it was warm and sunny. Now I hear thunder and lightning. It's like winter. These rains are bizarre."
"It began as an ordinary day. Warm, even," recounted Jerusalem resident Moshe Vilner. "All of a sudden, it began raining and hailing." Resident Dov Ayalon said that "cars got stuck in the gathering waters…In addition, sewage systems also overflowed."
"This is extremely heavy hail," said a resident named Liron. "It's accumulating on the ground. People in Jerusalem are in shock."
Headline News
Thursday, May 17, 2007 by Ryan Jones
Heavy rains dampen Jerusalem Day
"It was the first time since Israel liberated the eastern half of Jerusalem from Jordanian occupation that Jerusalem Day events were affected by rain.
Those familiar with Israel will know that such heavy rain in mid-to-late May is rare, if not unprecedented.
Religious commentators provided a range of reasons for the extraordinary downpour on a day that was supposed to be filled with joyous outdoor celebration marking what many view as a divine restoration of Jerusalem to Israel.
On one side of the spectrum, some Israelis explained that even the heavens had opened up to bless Jerusalem on its special day. Rain is precious in this arid region that goes without precipitation for months during the summer.
Others opined that God was not going to allow Jerusalem to celebrate while the residents of the southern town of Sderot wept and fled their homes under a deluge of Palestinian rockets. Israel's leadership has been harshly criticized for effectively abandoning the defense of Sderot, while focusing such lavish attention on matters like Jerusalem Day."
Here is the actual radar sequence:
(notice date and time GMT on the top)

From a Blog:
Touching account of an Israeli Policeman attending a ceremony in the rain:
An interesting coincidence?
Just a few days before... this article was posted on INN. The head of a branch of the Islamic Movement wanted to "flood" the Temple Mount with Muslims during this time. Could it be that God was essentially saying "You want to see flood... I will show you a flood??!! (On that same day 40 years ago Moshe Dayan took the Temple Mount but then control was given up to the Muslims.)
Islamic Movement Initiates Effort to Flood Temple Mount
by Nissan Ratzlav-Katz
(IsraelNN.com) Sheikh Raad Salah, the head of the northern branch of the Islamic Movement, has been working hard to ensure that thousands of Muslims will arrive in Jerusalem's Old City every day to pray in the Al-Aksa mosque, located on the Temple Mount. Salah has been talking with Arab clan leaders from Jerusalem and its environs in an effort to convince them to take turns bringing their entire extended families to the mosque.
"Salah expressed his conviction that Jerusalem will fall into Muslim hands by "Heavenly promise." He also said that in such a conquest, no sign of a Jewish presence will remain."
"Sheikh Raad Salah, leader of the northern Israel branch of the Islamic Movement, has launched an effort to ensure Muslim control over Jerusalem's Temple Mount, and eventually the entire city.
Salah, reported Israel National News, is urging Israeli Arab Muslims from around the country to come to Jerusalem on a rotating schedule so that mass Muslim prayers can be held at the Temple Mount on a daily basis.
Additionally, Salah wants all mosques in the Jerusalem area to be closed on Fridays so that local Muslims are forced to congregate at the Temple Mount to recite traditional Islamic prayers and hear what are typically venomous anti-Israel sermons."
1 comment:
Nice site Bee! I enjoyed looking at your links too.
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